Category Archives: THC and Cannabinoids

SC Labs Test Your Medicine for THC and Cannabinoids


Know Your Medicine
Courtesy of SOURCE: News


The SC Labs stresses potency, cannabinoid, and terpene profiling.
SC Labss for more than twelve (presently 15) cannabinoids and eight
terpenes!  Weed produces many chemical substances.  Marijuana Cannabinoids are
one class of chemical substances that produce physiological and behavior
effects.  For additional particulars around the cannabinoids, what they’re, what Halent
tests for, begin to see the article within the “Notes and Papers” portion of the site.
The key active cannabinoids include:
Tetrahydrocannabinol acidity (THCA), probably the most prevalent cannabinoid created
in cannabis plants.  It’s thought to possess numerous medicinal characteristics,
including anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and anti-cancer qualities.
However, most heating techniques generally employed for consuming cannabis
destroys the THCA (and many other acidity types of the cannabinoids).  If the
is what you would like, consume it without heating.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive component helps reduce
discomfort and it is neuroprotective.  It forms when THCA is heated.
Cannabidiol (CBD), good at reducing anxiety, inflammation, and nausea,
however is not particularly psychoactive.  Research has proven that greater CBDto-THC ratios lead to lower undesirable psychotic effects.
Cannibinol (CBN) may be the primary product of THC degradation.  High levels
indicate the cannabis now has wrinkles and is not saved correctly.  Ideally,
your medicine shouldn’t contain high amounts of CBN.
Most cannabis testing labs evaluate only three cannabinoids: (THC),
cannabidiol (CBD) and cannibinol (CBN). The SC Labs measures 15
important cannabinoids, beginning using the above and adding many more.
For instance, the cannabinoid THCV is under study to deal with type II diabetes,
metabolic disorders, and epilepsy.  THCA and CBDA have possibility of
use within analgesia and to treat prostate carcinoma.  A number of other
compounds might be present and research is going ahead worldwide to recognize
helpful remedies.  (For any good recent review, see “Non-psychotropic plant
cannabinoids: new therapeutic possibilities from an old plant”, Angelo
A. Izzo, Francesca Borrelli, Raffaele Capasso, Vincenzo Di Marzo, and
Raphael Mechoulam, in Trends in Medicinal Sciences, Vol. 30 No. 10,
pp. 515-527, 2009.) Just how much and what type of ingredients their
medicine consists of may be the foundation of informed decision-making. Patients easily
choose among medications specific for their particular signs and symptoms once they
have scientifically acquired data regarding potency and cannabinoids.
Halent-examined items provide this fundamental in a clearly
understandable fashion.